About the Journal

The Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies (BATS) offers a platinum open access forum for research of all theoretical and methodological approaches oriented toward the identification, analysis, and improvement of the material conditions of transgender life.

Aims and Scope

BATS publishes timely research focused on identifiable and pragmatic social, cultural, and political issues of relevance to transgender people, both at the individual and collective level. The journal welcomes research from diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, and from all contextual areas. However, research that is focussed on biomedical aspects of clinical practice with transgender patients is not appropriate for BATS; for such research, we refer prospective authors to the International Journal of Transgender Health and Transgender Health. The journal will consider biomedical and/or health research with primarily social, cultural, and/or political implications (e.g., health communication, health and human rights, public health policy, etc.).

BATS is committed to publishing research oriented toward the identification, analysis, and, ultimately, improvement of the material conditions of transgender life. To that end, published articles should clearly address both academic and nonacademic publics, and they should clearly present both the theoretical and the practical implications drawn from the research. Moreover, articles should be written in widely accessible language, free of field-specific jargon and unnecessarily technical language.

Peer Review

BATS uses a double-blind peer review process. This means that the reviewers of a submission will at no point in the review process be made aware of who authored the submission. Likewise, the author(s) of a submission will at no point in time be made aware of who reviewed the submission.

Open Access Policy

BATS is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of open access. Authors retain the full rights to their work published in BATS and they may freely make their papers available as they see fit. The journal has no article processing charges and no article submission fees.

Archiving Policy

BATS utilizes two services to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration: (1) Arch, an open access repository maintained by Northwestern University Libraries and (2) the PKP Preservation Network mainained by Simon Fraser University’s Public Knowledge Project.

Unless otherwise stated, all content published in BATS is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (by-nc-nd). This license allows anyone to copy and distribute the article for non-commercial purposes provided that appropriate attribution is given. For details of the rights authors grant users of their work, see the “human-readable summary” of the license.


The Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies is published by Northwestern University Libraries on behalf of the Center for Applied Transgender Studies in Chicago, Illinois, USA. To learn more about the Center, visit our website.



Thomas J Billard, PhD

Northwestern University, USA
Reviews Editor

Avery Rose Everhart, PhD

University of British Columbia, Canada
Assistant Editor

Walker Brewer, MA

Northwestern University, USA

Erique Zhang, MA

Northwestern University, USA
Editorial Board

Florence Ashley, SJD

University of Alberta, Canada

Chris A. Barcelos, PhD

University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

Blu Buchanan, PhD

University of North Carolina—Asheville, USA

B Camminga, PhD

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

V Varun Chaudhry, PhD

Brandeis University, USA

Paisley Currah, PhD

Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA

Heath Fogg Davis, PhD

Temple University, USA

Aniruddha Dutta, PhD

University of Iowa, USA

E. Kale Edmiston, PhD

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Sofia Kirke Forslund, PhD

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Kat Gupta, PhD

Royal Holloway, University of London, England

Eartha Mae Guthman, PhD

Princeton University, USA

Oliver L. Haimson, PhD

University of Michigan, USA

Alex Hanna, PhD

The Distributed AI Research Institute, USA

Anna Lauren Hoffmann, PhD

University of Washington, USA

Austin H Johnson, PhD

Kenyon College, USA

T.J. Jourian, PhD

Trans*Formational Change, USA

Elle Lett, PhD

University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kinnon R. MacKinnon, PhD

York University, Canada

Lucy Nicholas, PhD

Western Sydney University, Australia

Ruth Pearce, PhD

University of Glasgow, Scotland

Andrew Perfors, PhD

University of Melbourne, Australia

Blas Radi, PhD

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Asa Radix, MD, PhD

New York University and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, USA

Arjee Restar, PhD

University of Washington, USA

G. Nic Rider, PhD

University of Minnesota, USA

Charlotte Tate, PhD

San Francisco State University, USA

Ben Vincent, PhD

Trans Learning Partnership, England



Principal Contact


Thomas J Billard




Northwestern University



Mailing Address

710 N Lake Shore Dr, Ste 18009, Chicago, IL 60611

Technical Support Contact


Aerith Netzer





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For Librarians

We encourage research librarians to list the Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies among their library’s electronic journal holdings. As well, it may be worth noting that this journal’s open source publishing system is suitable for libraries to host for their faculty members to use with journals they are involved in editing (see Open Journal Systems).

Articles in this Volume